Merry Christmas: The Lasting Impact of the Economy and a Congress that Apparently Doesn’t Give a Damn

By Dr. Watson Scott Swail, CEO, Educational Policy Institute Okay, I could have written a softer, nicer, gentler, “funner” piece for Xmas. But I received an email yesterday from the Southern Education Foundation that said that “extreme poverty in the United States increased during 2009 by 12.9 percent, expanding the number of people living below 50 percent of the poverty threshold by more than 2.1 … Continue reading Merry Christmas: The Lasting Impact of the Economy and a Congress that Apparently Doesn’t Give a Damn

The Senator and the Schools

By Watson Scott Swail, CEO, Educational Policy Institute/EPI International Senator Tom Harkin has had a distinguished political career. He is seen as a moderate Democrat who gets along with his Senatorial colleagues and tries to do the nation’s business in a meaningful and tangible manner with decorum. He has been a supporter of college access and success throughout his career. To protect the interest of … Continue reading The Senator and the Schools

Postsecondary Persistence and Graduating Rates: A Little Insanity Can Go a Long, Long Way

by Watson Scott Swail, CEO, Educational Policy Institute/EPI International Last week was a big week for student retention and persistence aficionados. The Educational Policy Institute held its 2010 Retention 101 workshop in Dallas, Texas, complete with participants from across Canada and the United States. Coincidentally, the US Department of Education released two important data reports documenting graduation and persistence rates at institutions of higher education in … Continue reading Postsecondary Persistence and Graduating Rates: A Little Insanity Can Go a Long, Long Way

Being Thankful

by Watson Scott Swail, CEO, Educational Policy Institute/EPI International In the United States, Americans will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow, which is basically an opportunity to watch football, eat and drink too much, and spend time with relatives that you have desperately tried to avoid for the previous 364 days. Okay, not always true: sometimes you don’t eat too much. Thanksgiving has traditionally been held … Continue reading Being Thankful

Taking it to the Streets: Student Protests and Higher Education Policy

by Watson Scott Swail, CEO, Educational Policy Institute/EPI International This past Wednesday, British higher education students took to the streets of London to decry the Conservative government’s plans to significantly raise tuition fees. It has been reported that the government plans to raise the fees by as much as three times the current price to £9,000, or about $14,000 US/CDN. The protest involved an estimated … Continue reading Taking it to the Streets: Student Protests and Higher Education Policy